Social Security Disability

doctor with patient in bed

Recent Cases

A woman close to retirement age quit her job due to the pain she experienced from multiple sclerosis. She depended upon her family for financial support while she waited to have a hearing. On the day of the hearing, it was clear that the medical records and memorandum written by our firm, were sufficient to persuade the administrative law judge to approve her claim.


A young woman who previously worked at a major grocery store found herself unable to work due to her medical ailments that included chronic kidney disease and diabetes. She also had to endure surgery to remove the gangrene she had contracted. During the hearing the administrative law judge asked the claimant a few questions because deciding that the claimant would prevail in her claim for disability benefits. Our firm had gathered over 5,000 pages of medical records.   This fact alone helped to convince the administrative law judge that our client was seriously disabled.


A long term factory worker suffered from severe depression and had physical ailments related to her work at the factory. Throughout the years, this worker never had significant earnings compared to others who were similarly situated.  This case was won because the administrative law judge took into consideration the work earnings that rarely showed overtime, as well as the counseling records that clearly outlined the seriousness of the depression.